Casual vs Formal...
Casual vs Formal...
Eyebrows are an eloquent and significant element of appearance. Filling in your brows is one of those beauty steps where a tiny bi...
Since childhood, we are being told by our mothers that, using hair oil is the solution to all hair problems. Be it itchy scalp, ro...
At least We have to press 5 seconds on points while we breathe deeply, doing this we can solve the health problem. In below pic s...
Garlic: - Garlic is very helpful in improving stress level, it is high in anti oxidants therefore prevents against diseases. It is...
Squeeze The Water: - You can reduce the moisture in your hair by squeezing excess water with the help of a towel.Press the towel g...
At the end of last year I did my usual ‘What the hell is going on in my life right now and what do I want to do with it?&rsq...
your life .........