Female Adda
7 years ago
Thoughts You Have When All Your Friends Are Getting Married

Where is the relationship heading: - If you are in a relationship, you probably would start considering asking your partner the marriage question. Whether they really want to marry you or not? You will start questioning yourself about where is the relationship going? How long you two have been with each other? So that you can know, when are you going to join your married friend's club?

Social Media Updates: -  If you are peers are getting married, then as soon as you log into social media account your feed is loaded with wedding pictures, pre-wedding photo shoots, and updated relationship status. And all you do is scroll through your feed and curse yourself for not settling down in life.


Numerous Invitations: - Wedding invitation card, telephones calls, online wedding cards hit your feeling hard you start realizing that you are getting old and still have no clue when you are going to get hitched.

Nagging parents: - Be it your parents, your neighbors or distant relatives as soon as they know your friends are getting married they pop the question to you too “when are you getting married “and you are tired of all the questioning.


Self-Introspection: - When you ask this question to yourself “why in the word are you not getting married? Is something wrong with me? While everybody around you is ready for a long term commitment but you have your commitment only with your sleep. This self-introspection really hurts you.

Weird Meet up With Engaged friends: - Meeting up with your folks, once they are engaged are totally weird because either they are on their phone all time or they keep telling you about the wedding preparations and this is really annoying to you.


Above All, You Are Happy For Them: - No matter how much you are think about you not getting married but at the end of the day it’s your friend big day. You too have waited for this day eagerly, so that you can have all fun and not to forget the dance you always want to do on your friend’s wedding.

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