Health Female Adda
8 years ago


Beauty does not mean covering your face with chemical products and make yourself look like a Barbie doll. I strongly believe that beauty is enhanced when healthy body works with a healthy mind which allows you to follow your dreams from morning to evening and for forever. My beauty mantra comprises of regular yoga regime, exercise, jogging, healthy eating habits, strict prohibition of junk food, and reading motivational books and all this makes me feel myself and assist me in realizing my dreams and desires. In my view, the secret of happiness for women lies in pampering themselves and enjoying the present.

Our daily life is full of drama and chaos. When you are at home then the family chorus and once you reach office then work dead lines. It is really not possible to avoid any of it and at the end, it is the only responsibility of women to manage it all. Actually, this is what makes your life complete and in order to stay happy the only thing that matters is to take care of yourself and always concentrate on your blessings rather miseries.

Women are always the center of all happiness in any family and all the family values are dominated by a lady in the house. So just plan your trip to beauty salons more frequently and follow dressing trends more openly and eat more fruits and vegetables. If you feel fit and healthy then automatically you are going to feel relaxed and happy and this happiness of you is going to spread among all related to you. Whenever you feel stressed just relax and do breathing exercise and you will definitely feel energized. Now, get up and get ready to face the world.
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