Here are some benefits of cucumber for skin beauty.1 Cucumber can reduce dark circles.Cucumber has a strength that is fast, safe and easy while reducing dark circles. Cucumber has a silica content of antioxidants and believed to rejuvenate and make the skin smooth and soft.2 Cucumber can reduce puffiness in the eye bags.Cucumber has ascorbic acid content that is useful to reduce water retention to reduce swelling in the eye.
Ghee or clarified butter is the most common ingredients in Indian kitchens. Most of us believe that ghee can be used jus...
It is Hard to be a women...
Only three tips for today.....
Now create an Invoice using your Mobile phone in just less than 30 seconds. StyleBill a product of FemaleAdda.com. A...
You Can CHANGE THE WORLD! A Smile is Contagious! Laughter is really good for your mood. It Can change your day. Best tips for...
Hair colour shades...
Add One tablesppon of Honey with Curd and One Egg White. Apply This paste on the face and wash it with cold water after 15 minutes...