Benefits of coconut oil for beauty boost

Coconut oil contains anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, making it a healthy choice for many beauty benefits. Everyone wish to have radiant and glowing skin and coconut oil can help in making this wish come true. Coconut oil for skin works as a great moisturiser and it is very beneficial for hair as it penetrates into hair roots easily. This home remedy has a long list of beauty benefits as given here –

Body scrub – For making body scrub you need to mix coconut oil and coconut sugar together. This is a perfect moisturiser as well as removes dead skin cells. Use it twice or thrice in a week.

Body Lotion – Take coconut oil, jojoba oil, shea butter and any essential oil of your choice and mix all together. Apply this lotion on your body just after taking shower to keep your body nourished and moisturised. Saturated fat of coconut oil provides moisturiser to the body and keeps skin healthy and even toned.

Face wash – Coconut oil boosts immune system and reduces inflammation. For making face wash using this oil, take a pan and melt coconut oil, add one tablespoon baking soda and five tablespoons of your favourite essential oil. Mix it well and then fill it in a container. Use this as face wash daily.

Cuticle Oil – Coconut oil works wonder in softening and loosening cuticles making it easier to push back and cut. This also keeps fingers free from germs.

Dry Hands – In winter using water frequently makes hands very dry. Coconut oil is the perfect remedy to get rid of dryness and even you can keep a jar of coconut oil in your kitchen to apply easily.

Night Cream – add few drops of coconut oil in your night cream and smear on your face before sleeping. If you have no acne problem then you can apply directly on your face instead of mixing it with cream.

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