Female Adda
7 years ago
Things To Know Before Getting A Haircut

Face Shape: -  Before getting any haircut you need to choose a haircut as per your face shape.So determine your face shape first so if it is square, round, oval or heart-shaped and choose your hairstyle which will best accentuate your face features.For example, Oval face shape is very versatile so girls with oval face shape can choose any hairstyle.People with round face shape lack length so they need to create some volume on the top.

Hair Texture: - Face shape is not enough to determine a face shape your hair texture matters too.If you have thin hairs then you need a voluminous haircut.For thick and coarse hair, haircuts which don't require your hairs to be in place all time should be avoided. Look for celebs who have same hair texture as yours and copy their hairstyle.

Be Realistic: - if you thinking that you will get the same hairstyle as your celeb then you might be expecting too much.reason being celebrities use all types of hair extensions and professional hair experts who spend hours in taking care of their hairs.So look for something you can easily maintain without spending too much money, time and effort.

Lifestyle Matters: - If you have a  busy schedule then you might not get time to comb your hairs from time to time.At such time you will want to have a look which takes less time and effort.If you can manage to get some time to so your hairs frequently then try a high maintenance haircut.

Mentally Prepared For Haircut: - Before heading to the salon make sure to be mentally prepared for the haircut especially if you are going for a total hair transformation.Take your time and think before you go for a haircut.

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