Remove Dandruff in a Natural Way Dandruff problem arises usually in the winter season. Dandruff makes hair dirty, itchy and rou...
Neem leaves (also an Indian herb) make a great all-natural home remedy for your dandruff. Their properties not only relieve itching, they act as an antifungal as well, inhibiting the over-growth of dandruff causing fungus. Be aware that some people find its smell to be overwhelming.
You will need…-At least 2 handfuls of neem leaves-4-5 cups of hot water
Directions - Add two handfuls of neem leaves to 4 or 5 cups of hot water. Let it stand overnight. The next morning strain the liquid and use it to rinse your hair. You can also try making a paste out of leaves, applying it to your scalp, and letting it sit for about an hour before washing it off with water.
Remove Dandruff in a Natural Way Dandruff problem arises usually in the winter season. Dandruff makes hair dirty, itchy and rou...
How to Treat Winter-Dry Skin Care In winter, Our skin can easily dry, rough, we have to care for our skin by using skin ca...
Every part of this sacred tree is used in some form on a daily basis: the twigs as a toothbrush, the oil for soap, and the leaves ...
How to control dandruff in winter Dandruff in winters is very common problem and if you did not take measures to control it at ...
This treatment is benefit for the body relaxation, as we can say that all energies of your body are balanced....
A cataract is just a clouding or opacity of the lens of the eye, which makes it hard to see through. Frequently age related, catar...
As we age our skin also ages which can cause pigmentation, wrinkles and uneven skin tone. Uneven skin tone is caused by overp...
Getting Gray hairs is the initial sign that you are aging, but what if you get gray hairs at a young age? Well, that is surely not...