How to Treat Dry Flaky Skin on Face?

Why Does It Happen

Being the first line of
defense, Skin has its own complex functions and strives a lot in achieving the same. The skin maintains a certain amount of moisture to keep it hydrated and toned. Natural oils from the glands also help in the function. However, in the due course of action, the hydration of the skin is weakened and it results in a dry flaky skin on the face

Here are some really cool ideas to get rid of dry flaky skin on face, read on to find out.

1. Exfoliation of Dry Skin
2. Honey- A Natural Moisturizer
3. Oil For Moisturize Your Dry Skin
4. Natural Face Mask for Flake
5. Fruity Delight
6. Meal Time
7. Natural Aloe Vera Gel – Rub it on Flake
8. Limit the Use of Soap

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