use lip liner on your lips before apply lipstick...
Ingredients: - * Holy Basil Leaves: - 10-12 leaves * Fuller Earth: - 2 Tablespoon * Rose Water: - 1 and ½ Table...
You must have done your full preparation for New Year celebration and now you must be planning how to make coming year unforgettab...
1) Layer From Thin To Thick: - We should apply skin care in terms of consistency.Keep in mind to apply products from thinnest to t...
Natural Organic Skin Care Understanding Differences: Natural Organic Skin Care Product is best for our skin, if we rea...
FACE SCRUB – FOR YOUTHFUL & GLOWING SKIN Face scrub removes away dry and dead skin and brings back the glow to the li...
You all must have been in the situation when you are in the middle of an event or wedding and you see your makeup has worn of...