Coconut oil isn't just for cooking:Coconut oil is not just for cooking, it's use for skin care, making beauty product and ...
Coconut oil isn't just for cooking:Coconut oil is not just for cooking, it's use for skin care, making beauty product and ...
Best For The party...
Do’s and dont's to Control Hair Fall Effectively The Do's: ​ 1. Coconut milk is best for hair fall, it...
Acne is a very serious skin condition that affects the majority of the population. Generally, it is quite hard to get rid but we s...
The downward-facing dog - great for the mind, body and soul - but how about some yoga for the face? We asked face yoga expert Dani...
We all want to look taller.Especially girls who are short or petite they try ever possible thing to add a couple of inches to...
Spring is the time when we realize how much flabs we have gained over the winters. So if you want to lose extra pounds and fl...
Eggs work well for your hair. The yolk is rich in proteins and fat which greatly acts in moisturizing while the white helps t...