Coconut oil isn't just for cooking:Coconut oil is not just for cooking, it's use for skin care, making beauty product and ...
Coconut oil isn't just for cooking:Coconut oil is not just for cooking, it's use for skin care, making beauty product and ...
WINTER BEAUTY TRENDS TO FOLLOW For me the most awaited season is winter. In winter, wearing any sort of makeup becomes very eas...
Ingredients:- # Yogurt - 2 Tablespoon # Almonds -6 Piece # Honey - 2 Tablespoon # Wheat gram Oil - 2 ...
Coconut oil contains anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, making it a healthy choice for many beauty benefits. Everyone wish...
regular use of lemon keeps skin dirt and bacteria free....
1-Coconut oil for acne – Research shows that the antimicrobial properties of extra virgin coconut oil can have a powerf...
Why are apples so great? According to many studies, apples are included in the list of essential fruits for normal grow...