Ashish Dey
7 years ago
Punjabian di angrezi.... A CRASH COURSE IN PINGLISH: (Punjabi English).

• Mint - 1/60th of an hour
• Skint - 1/60th of a minute
• Seatan - many seats
• Tect - what you need to buy to watch a show alone
• Tectan  - what you need to buy to watch a show with family
• Pulls - law enforcement officers
• Skorty - what Pulls is supposed to provide
• Kayual - not formal
• Pleyyur - Happiness, joy, pleasure 
• Occayyun - Event, incident, occasion 
• Meyyur - To determine, to measure 
• Joont  - where you are posted, your unit, or as in a "joont of meyyurment"
• Pokt -  the place where u keep things in your dress
• Clony - The society where u stay
• Boot - men's footwear of all types
• Tolt  - Lavatory
• Mrutti – your family car

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